Sunday, June 10, 2007

Senator Lieberman advocates military strike on Iran

"I think we have to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq," he said. "To me that would include a strike into, over the border into Iran where we have good evidence that they have a base at which they are training these people coming back into Iraq to kill our soldiers"

Escalate a war that isn't going so well in the first place. Brilliant.

The problem here, is not that Lieberman wants to make the world safer by getting rid of terrorists (an admirable goal in my mind), but that he is doing so without thinking. The Iraq war is a debacle, it was initiated with inaccurate, incorrect, or invisible evidence and intelligence. At the moment, the only good thing one can say about it is "Well, at least it's not as bad as Vietnam."

For god's sake, folks... since your politicians can't think, do it for yourselves! Question your elected officials, make them aware of what pisses you off, of what makes you happy. Don't listen to the drivel that comes out of the T.V, read, learn, think critically. And please, get out there and vote next year, elect someone who will be at least mildly informed about the world! Whether it's a Democrat or a Republican, just choose someone who is capable.

In this case, Lieberman is advocating escalating the Iraq war. It is my opinion that the U.S have voters made it quite clear that they want out of Iraq; they did this by voting for the senators that did not support the war, rather than those who did. This caused a massive power shift in congress, and we are only now starting to see the effects of this. Why then, is Lieberman trying to expand and extend a war that the U.S people clearly do not want to be involved in?

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