Wednesday, June 6, 2007

For those of you with less time on your hands

The previous article is rather long. If you've only a short time to read, take a look at this one instead!

At G8, Bush and The Vatican are both urging and promoting the fight against HIV/AIDS. The Vatican refutes the argument that contraception is a moral and effective tool in this fight, instead preaching abstinence-before-marriage as a solution. The Bush Administration, which recently asked congress to extend their relief funding to Africa, has stipulated that 7% of the funds given to africa (which is about one third of the funds earmarked for the AIDS/HIV fight) must go to abstinence-before-marriage programs.

These programs, along with being ineffective, only target those who are not married. They do nothing to lower the risk for married couples who suffer from HIV/AIDS, nor do they do anything to protect newborns, nor limit the birth rate of unwanted and infected youngsters.

This bull-headed stance sets a course that will cost millions of lives.